Star Wars Kabel Guy Ahsoka Tano 20 cm
Cable Guys jsou navrženy tak, aby kromě chytrých telefonů držely a nabíjely i gamepady, jako je DualShock 4 a Xbox One Wireless Controller. Stojí cca. 20 cm vysoký a je dodáván s USB...
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Mega Man Cable Guy Mega Man 20 cm
Cable Guys are designed to hold and charge gamepads, such as the DualShock 4 and Xbox One Wireless Controller, in addition to smart phones. It stands approx. 20 cm tall and comes with a 2 m long...
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Star Wars Cable Guy Boba Fett 20 cm
Cable Guys are designed to hold and charge gamepads, such as the DualShock 4 and Xbox One Wireless Controller, in addition to smart phones. It stands approx. 20 cm tall and comes with a 3 m long...
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